Blog Reflections and EIR Closure

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1. Using your favourite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey. 2. Write a paragraph summarizing your findings on your research topic.

I am going to use” accurate" to describe the "Google advance" lesson. Before I took this lesson, I knew there is the kind of search which called Google advance, but I never used it, and I didn’t know what the search engine could achieve for my research. So, during the lesson, Faridah asked us to use the Google advance to search our own topic, mine is Discuss the impact of problem gambling amongst youths. From the interface of Google Advance, I saw there were some reserved spaces for user to fill in. Depends on how accurately you would search your topic, you fill the spaces. For my search topic, I could command the search engine to find the “key words” which are only from the title of resources or anywhere from the resource. And I could command the engine to search my desired resources’ format. As well as, language of the resources and region of the resources etc.

Base on the finds on my research topic, there are more and more experts or professionals concerning the youth gambling problems. Moreover, there are some institutes which opened the research topic -- youth gambling.
The youth started to get impact from gambling:
1. It’s because, teenagers are addict in gambling, so that, they can’t control themselves.
2. Because, of family. Adults are sticking to gambling, so that, their behaviors or feelings were influence on their children.

How to recognize the youth gamblers from their behaviors?
· Unexplained need for money
· - Money or possessions missing from the home
· - Unexplained charges on credit card bills
· - Withdrawal from friends and family
· - Missing school or classes
· - Frequent anxiety, depression or mood swings
· - Dropping of outside activities and interests
· - Excessive watching of TV sports
· - Undue upset at the outcome of a sports match
· - Late night calls
· - Sudden drops in grades
· - Interest in sports teams with no previous allegiance
· - Calling 900 numbers for sports scores and point spreads
· - Displays of unexplained wealth

Impact of problem gambling amongst youth.· Loss of money.· Arguments about money.· Fights. · Youth who describe themselves as popular, leaders or risk-takers are more likely to gamble.· Spend more money and time gambling than intended.· Borrow or steal money from family or friends to cover gambling related debts.· Increasing mood changes.· Irritable behaviour, including highs when gambling and lows when leaving gambling.· Gamble to escape uncomfortable feelings or situations (chilling out).· Families or friends get affected with unexplained debts.· They will also change in mood.· Lack of money to meet household responsibilities. · Can lead to poor school performance, debt, crime or suicide.

In short, youth gets much impact of the gambling from, either their family’s gambling background or their own addiction of gambling. The common reasons that youth get addict in gambling is:
1. Young people may have trouble differentiating between the concepts of: luck, fate, chance and probability.
2. For entertainment, to win money, the sensation of winning, the thrill of the game, or to escape stress/problems
3. Impulsive behavior in childhood/youth (for boys); having parents who introduce them to gambling at an early age; having parents who are heavy gamblers themselves; having friends who are problem gamblers


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