Defend champion & fight for chanpion

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Since 1966, after Celtic had the honour to get 8 champions consecutive, there was none of NBA team, which could continuous reach 4 champions.

Only Bulls got 3 consecutive champions twice, and Lakers did it once.

Since 2001, there is none of NBA team, which could achieve champion consecutive.

It proves that strength of NBA teams become more and more balanced, specially, after David Stern (NBA CEO) published Salary Cap, it means every team's total salary for players can't exceed a level, or the team should submit amont of money to alliance (total salary minus salary cap). Moreover, each year, NBA hold the tryout, the team who got lower standings, it would get higher chance to get priority to select recruits. In this way, each team in NBA could maintain the balance, and keep the suspense for each match.

Due to the NBA rules, it bocomes more and more difficult to defend the champion. So that, this year, there is a huge challenge for Lakers, if they wanna defend the champion.
As we know, sits no sure that sits too high, it's easy to achieve the first, but it's hard to keep the first.

At the beginning of this season, lots of fun and expects suspected whether Lakers could keep their title or not, if they could keep their status. The most important thing is that if their champion heart was as strong as last season. As we know, human also easy to be conceited and arrogant, after they achieved something. So that, it's even hard for Lakers to calm down, keep moving forward, after they have climbed to the top of the mountain already.

However, Lakers are ware of this point, they sweared that they were not defending their title, they are fighting for the champion. They are working from basic part-- defends. Everyone in Lakers, there is no different among seniors, recuits, "blue collar" , superstar. All of them endeavor from "dirty works"-- rebound, steal etc. They become more and more solidarity, repect each team, pay attention to each playoff game. The only reason hold them together and come back is for o'brien cup. Let's bless them, god bless them.

I associate Lakers with me. I think I should regard them as my idol. Their spirit is influence on my heart so deep. Relate to my own situation, since I achieved the top one tile in my course, I feel that I am lack of motivation to study hard, and become pride, even though I still keep increasing my GPA, I can't get as many as distinction per semester before.

From now on, I swear I am no long defending for my title, I must fight for my future.


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