Bryant unsatisfied with status quo


The easiest way to engender Kobe Bryant's affection is with a throat slash, a clothesline, or a ball in the face. Throw a few elbows in his ribs for good measure, don't forget to mention in the post-game press conference that he is coddled by referees, and chances are you will have a guaranteed contract with the Lakers come summer. Such is the example set by Ron Artest, Raja Bell and most recently Matt Barnes, who was introduced by the Lakers on Tuesday, less than five months after he pretended to throw a chest pass off Bryant's nose.
Those men who were called Kobe's public enemies, now, most of them become Kobe's teammates, friends. So what happens to them, did Kobe use some magic to them, made them suddenly change their mind.

Actually, it's not because of kobe's magic, but his heart, determination. No body could ignore a champion heart. From 17 years old to now, 31 years old, 14 years NBA life, Kobe never stop his movement, never ever.

For the first time since 2004, Bryant is heading into a season in which he will not be the league's most polarizing figure. In some places, he might not even be the most polarizing figure on his own team.

But, he never gave up, ignored outside noisy, continue his trip-6 train. There was no one who could finish this train except him- Kobe-Bryant.

After 3 years successive trip-6 train, Kobe came back, but he was not coming alone, he brought his skills and his legends.

2 successive champions......

To be continue......


I am a legend--Kobe Bryant


One day Kobe's father showed him a book, a very old work which seems come from another time.

It related the game of basketball, a discipline which, according to the legend, was practiced long time ago.

This book tells the story of a Myth. Kobe Bryant, his exploit and the way he led his men everyday through many battles. I was then stunted by the magic which got free of this book, free of all the exploit Kobe Bryant, did the indefatigable produce.

I decided then to study this book to collect every achieve concerning this man, I did the notes and comments and today.

It's time for me to show you the tale from other time and share all his magic with you.

Kobe is the youngest player in NBA.

Kobe was standing in the stage of NBA final.

It's magic moment, Kobe was the origion of several player who could send his team to NBA final.

At his this young age, he achieved 3 times final title.

During Kobe's Darkness time, he lost control of O' 'Neill, he lost his forth NBA final. This was the end of a reign, the dynasty team was dissolved.

Left Kobe alone, he tried to go after success, following step by step the road of champion along with those who did believe in him.

Kobe Bryant refreshed a new chapter for his magic book, He reflected his indefatigable exploit during what was going to become an historic year......

After Kobe changed his number from 8 to 24, I find some other achieves of his gorgeous plays, especially one of there specially, one of his signature moves: the art of reversed dunk.

Kobe Byrant was also the most controversial player of his time, hated or adulated, his exploit some and exasperated others.

Too arrogant, irritating and cocky, ball hog, but also too talented, rarely the publle opinion would have been this much divided over a NBA player.


We are the champion finally.


After 82 games and playoff's baptism, Lakers won the champion finally, as I wished.

Let's retrieve our memories for thouse 7 games, and find the reason why Lakers won.

In my own opinion,the factors are Funs'expect, union's benefits, player's resolution.

Expect of funs.

Overview the NBA funs all over the world, there were over 55% funs who hoped or perfer to see Laker's win. Not only because of superstar-- Kobe Bryant, but also because Lakers was going to revenge for his 2008's loss. At the same time, Funs wish see another NBA dynasty coming out since 2001, after collapse of Laker's OK dynasty .

Union's Benefits.

For NBA Union, the most important thing is not who would win the champion, but once who win the champion, it would bring more benefits for the union. NBA is a place where would never lack of legends. From Big Bird to "Magic" Johnaon, and Fly man M.J came out. After M.J time, union was searching for M.J's heritors--- Grant Hill, Payton, Carter, Kobe Bryant.

As we know, Los Angles, it's one of the gorgeous city in US, the Hollywood gets thousands superstar together and attracts another thousands coming. No questions, If this city acheives world champion, it would suck billions for NBA. On the other hand, during following decade, union need one legend, and Kobe Bryant is the only one who could match this title. In this way, NBA union would tend to see Lakers winning the game.

Player's resolution

However this world wants Laker to win, nobody could forget a champion heart, which dominate the victory. Kobe Bryant would never allow the title slip out from his hand again. He need prove himself again, it's like the last year he proved that he was able to win the title without big man S' Ollier. Pual Gasol need Redemption himself-- he was not a "jelly fish" so that he would die for this fina.


Defend champion & fight for chanpion


Since 1966, after Celtic had the honour to get 8 champions consecutive, there was none of NBA team, which could continuous reach 4 champions.

Only Bulls got 3 consecutive champions twice, and Lakers did it once.

Since 2001, there is none of NBA team, which could achieve champion consecutive.

It proves that strength of NBA teams become more and more balanced, specially, after David Stern (NBA CEO) published Salary Cap, it means every team's total salary for players can't exceed a level, or the team should submit amont of money to alliance (total salary minus salary cap). Moreover, each year, NBA hold the tryout, the team who got lower standings, it would get higher chance to get priority to select recruits. In this way, each team in NBA could maintain the balance, and keep the suspense for each match.

Due to the NBA rules, it bocomes more and more difficult to defend the champion. So that, this year, there is a huge challenge for Lakers, if they wanna defend the champion.
As we know, sits no sure that sits too high, it's easy to achieve the first, but it's hard to keep the first.

At the beginning of this season, lots of fun and expects suspected whether Lakers could keep their title or not, if they could keep their status. The most important thing is that if their champion heart was as strong as last season. As we know, human also easy to be conceited and arrogant, after they achieved something. So that, it's even hard for Lakers to calm down, keep moving forward, after they have climbed to the top of the mountain already.

However, Lakers are ware of this point, they sweared that they were not defending their title, they are fighting for the champion. They are working from basic part-- defends. Everyone in Lakers, there is no different among seniors, recuits, "blue collar" , superstar. All of them endeavor from "dirty works"-- rebound, steal etc. They become more and more solidarity, repect each team, pay attention to each playoff game. The only reason hold them together and come back is for o'brien cup. Let's bless them, god bless them.

I associate Lakers with me. I think I should regard them as my idol. Their spirit is influence on my heart so deep. Relate to my own situation, since I achieved the top one tile in my course, I feel that I am lack of motivation to study hard, and become pride, even though I still keep increasing my GPA, I can't get as many as distinction per semester before.

From now on, I swear I am no long defending for my title, I must fight for my future.


Letter of explain about my blog


Dear Mrs. Lim:

Thank you for giving me those advices.
I think, there are some misunderstandings between you and me. Let me explain to you.

Before, you read the articles, which are written by NBA funs. There is some general knowledge about NBA and basketball, you should know:
1. NBA is not just called a basketball game, it is more than that. NBA contains lots of stuffs—American history, phylogeny of basketball, racial equality etc. Now, Funs would call it as a movie, stage, Businessmen would call it as market and scientist would call it as high-tech.
2. There were no copyrights for any those pictures or facts which I put in my blog.
Those pictures and facts, it’s used to induce the eyes of audiences, even though it’s published by NBA, they are for entertaining basketball fun, not for selling.
3. What I am done in my blog, it called purely NBA basketball previous analysis which is from the purely NBA Fun. That's the way which used to analyze the NBA game.

After you cleared about this, let me explain to you why I would say what I am done in my blog, most of them are my personal perspective.

1. All the words were written by my own, I never take it from other websites.
2. You said you could read the facts and pictures from many website, but I am sure you won’t get them from one website only, you could find all of them from internet no doubts. However, none of them did the summary. I searched lot, and selected the true facts and representative pictures, summarized them, through using my 10 years’ experience of being a NBA fun.
3. For the history, you could find it from other websites, but you could find lots of different, because when I was writing the history, I put some my own opinions and analysis in side also. The most important point is that I used the normal history to create a story, a martial arts novel to attract readers. Moreover, for comparison between the players and bench mod, it’s definitely my own personal perspective. I gave them a make-up, made them becomes hero, avenger, etc.

Lastly, let me explain to you why I wrote my blog by this way.

1. The picture I put, it's called poster for inducing the eyes of reader. And all the datum and facts I put which are for evidences, they were used to proof what I forecasted and analyzed.
2. The arrangement of articles is depends on my own logic. It makes sense.
i. On the beginning of the articles, I want to catch the eyes of reader, hook up their curiosities, make them continue reading the articles, so that, I would either put a fantastic poster, or prediction.
ii. As I said before, NBA is not only just a game, but also it relates to history. Of course, any team of NBA, they would knock at each other before, and won or lost is called common stuff, but I gave each team a story, each player a role, in this way, when you were reading my articles, it likes watching a movie.

In short, I am really appreciate if Mrs. Lim could understand a pure NBA fun and consider what I am done in my blog as practical and normal assignment. If you didn’t agree what I was saying, it’s fine also, I would fix it up on time.

Yours Sincerely



NBA western Final Expectation


Lakers VS SUN

From ESPN Experts' picks:

Phoenix Sun VS Los Angeles Lakers  
---------- ---------------- ----------
〈 5〉54Won 28Lost Standings  57Won 25Lost〈 3〉
〈 6〉32Won  9Lost  Home record 34Won 7Lost〈 2〉
 〈 9〉22Won 19Lost  On record  23Won 18Lost〈 6〉
---------- ---------------- ----------
   〈 1〉110.2     PPG    101.7 〈12〉       〈 1〉 49.2%   Shooting average 45.7% 〈18〉
   〈 1〉 41.2% 3-point shot %  34.1% 〈24〉       
〈11〉 77.0%   Free-throw %   76.5% 〈12〉
〈 4〉 23.3    Team assists  21.1 〈16〉
〈20〉 14.8    Team Errors   13.4 〈 6〉
〈27〉  7.9  rival team steals   7.0 〈10〉
〈11〉  4.5   rival team blocks  4.4 〈10〉
〈14〉 11.1个   offensive rebounds  11.9 〈 3〉
〈10〉 27.6% % of offensive rebounds 27.6% 〈 7〉
〈 1〉115.3   offensive efficiency 108.8 〈11〉
---------- ---------------- ----------
〈26〉105.3 points on average lost  97.0 〈 9〉
〈12〉 45.2%  opponents shooting    44.6% 〈 5〉
〈17〉 35.5% the opponents three-point% 32.8% 〈 1〉〉
〈17〉 76.0%   opponents free throw%  75.0% 〈 7〉
〈14〉 20.8   rival team assists    21.9 〈21〉
〈25〉 13.0   rival Team Errors   14.1 〈18〉
〈29〉  5.8    team steals     7.5 〈11〉
〈12〉  5.1    team blocks     4.9 〈16〉
〈 6〉 43.0    team rebounds    44.3 〈 2〉
〈 6〉 31.9 team defensive rebounds    32.5 〈 4〉 
〈14〉 50.4%   rebound percentage    51.2% 〈 8〉
〈29〉 70.8%   % of defensive rebounds  74.4% 〈 9〉
〈23〉110.2    defensive efficiency  103.7 〈 4〉



C Robin Lopez、Channing Frye、Jarron Collins

PF Amare Stoudemire、Louis Amundson、Dwayne Jones   

SF Grant Hill、Jared Dudley   

SG Jason Richardson、Leandro Barbosa   

PG Steve Nash、Goran Dragic   

DL Earl Clark


C Andrew Bynum、D. j. mbemga、Paul gasol
PF Lamar Odom、Josh Powell、Adam morrison  
SF Luke wharton、Rawn ateste   
SG Kobe Bryant、Sasha Vujacic、Shannon brown
PG Jordan Farmar、Derek fisher    
DL Chris Mihm


In 2005 and 2006, successive 2 times, Lakers were swept by Sun. Specially, during 2006 season, Lakers dragged Sun to seventh fatal game, in that game, Kobe was slashed by Bell,even though, Bell left Sun already, the enmity has implanted into both team.

After 3 years, Lakers finally get their chance to revenge. Nowdays, Lakers fetched in Paul gasol and Rawn ateste, they are defend the championship, but for Sun, they just kept up the Play-off, so, Let's enjoy West finals showdown between them.

~~~~KOBE VS Nash

During the west semifinal, Kobe had four games of at least 30, executing within the triangle as well as he has all season.

No doubts, Nash was the Best PG before, when he achieved 2 time MVP consecutive. But, he is 35 years old now. What's worse, Nash's right eye was hurted during the game with Spur. The swelling over his right eye should subside by the start of the series.

~~~~Bench Mob

Just before, Sun swept Spur by 4-0, Lots of people still thought Sun was in D'Antoni's period. Scanned the series between Sun and Spur, we could find that Bench of sun improved so much, each games with Spur, there were at least one bench who could jump out, and gave Spur a beat, as second game, Frye scored 5 3-points, third game Dragic scored 23 point in 4th etc.

Bench is a only weakness for Lakers, even tought, multi-function Odom is in bench, bench of Lakers are un-stable, fluctuating. So, we can't expect much from them.


competition prospective Laker VS Jazz


Game Previous
Two traditional Western Conference powers will collide again as the defending NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers face the Utah Jazz. The day after tmr, it's the 3th game of this series.

Phil Jackson VS Jerry Sloan

Jackson and Sloan, they are Rival, since 1997.

At that time, Jackson was coach of Bulls, Sloan is coach of Jazz untill now, more than 20 years.
Bulls got Michael Jordan, pippen scotti,Dennis Rodman and so on. For Jazz was famous with Karl Malone and John Stockton, they were the best Duo in NBA.

During the championship, Jackson led Bulls beat Sloan's Jazz 2 times. Moreover, both processes were quite similar, Jordan shot the final score, and won Jazz by 1 points only for the 6th game, as 4-2, achieved the championship.

After, 1998, Jordan retired, so Bulls was disaggregation, and Jackson Defected to Lakers, and built another Three consecutive dynasty, from 1999 to 2001. During this 3 years, Jackson and Sloan continued their Duel. Even though Lakers and Jazz are from different subarea, Lakers Belongs to Pacific Division, Jazz belongs to Southwest Division , they would knock at each other each years, either first-run, or semi-final of subarea.

In this way, Sloan and Jackson become friends and enemies.

TOP Player:

Kobe Bryant VS Deron Williams

Williams of the Utah Jazz has developed into the best point guard in the NBA. He is a 20-10 man every night and an excellent floor leader. Of some concern is an elbow injury he suffered late in the closeout game vs. DenverRead.


Kobe is the best basketball player in this world. And he leads Laker tagert the 57-25 ahead the overall westerm. Moreover, this season he achieved the 5 final scores, he's the first player who could shoot 5 final scores in one single season, and during last 2 mins he could score 5.4 points. No doubt, kobe is the most cold-blooded killer--Black Mamba.



Jerry Sloan coached team will always compete so the Jazz will give the Lakers everything they can handle. In the end, though, the health situation will be too much for the Jazz to overcome.Mehmet Okur could have been a big factor as far as spreading the floor and forcing one of the Laker bigs to defend on the perimeter possibly opening things up inside. Kirilenko's athleticism will be missed in the first two games and he may be limited when he does return. Boozer and WIlliams will keep them in the series but they just won't get enough help to put them over the top.


This season, Lakers aims at defending champion, and there is no health struggle for them. Andrew Bynum and Paulo Jiasuoer cooperates well as Twin towers inside to block the adversaries out of the paint area, further improves the laker's integrate Defensive. And as the new blood injecting-- Ron Artest, Lakers greatly enhance their defensive for frontlines. But, the backup would be leakage for them, whatever, Shannon Brown , Jordan Farmar or Sasha Vujacic, none of them could catch baton, when the Starter passed game to them. However, depend on the integrated power, Lakers would pound the Jazz again.